S21 is not limited to the Washington D.C. metropolitan area. We can also provide services in the Las Vegas, NV and Los Angeles, CA areas. How so you ask? Well, because we said so, that's how. Just be sure to provide us with advanced notice.
For now, grab a slice of pizza, a bag of doritos, and take a peek around - feedback is much appreciated.
Meet the Group:
Mark D. (Photog): Originally from the Washington D.C. area, Mark spent a few years travelling the states before settling back home. At a young age, he picked up his first camera, and since, it's been like gravy on mashed potatoes. Mark spent some time in NYC during his college years working alongside professionals in a studio environment. His photographic style has progressed to draw upon a young, modern, and fresh look which often accentuates saturated colors; sharp focus; and clean composition. Mark will often high 5 somebody after capturing a great shot.
Timothy A. (Photog): Tim is an area native, and celebrates Thanksgiving among the rest of us. He is married with 3 children, and in no way resembles Al Bundy. Tim's interest in photography sparked when his children were born. His hobby soon blazed a fire into a style and a passion. In his images, the story is told and passion is displayed. Tim's other interests are in the sporting arena, and he still plays today. His oldest son is a bona fide athlete...perhaps we'll see him in the pro's in the future.
Stephen A. (Photog): While in high school, Steve took up B&W film photography and mastered the trade. But the technology of digitial photography was too much temptation for him to resist. Following his brother's lead, he made the transition into Digital photography and we're sure glad he did - he plays an important role to S21 bringing his artistic and elegant styles. Don't be surprised if you find Steve riding around Arlington/DC on his scooter and his camera in hand. Steve's other creative releases: writing, cooking, and Bonsai (the shaping of little trees).
Nos T. (Expert Designer and Armchair Photog): Nos began drawing as a toddler...probably before learning how to speak. Having a mother who made a living as an architect, it was easy for Nos to develop his skill. He had all the essential tools around him. While in high school, a little froggy introduced him to graphic design and he immediately knew where he wanted to direct his future. Photography has been second nature in Nos' style of design; he is often the guy snapping away shots of Pho while we all eat. His talents and efforts really show in S21 production.